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Unofficial Blockland Wiki
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The server startup screen after the Gamemode and Addons (if applicable) have been selected.

This page will descrive the server startup process[]

Starting Screen[]

When the player selects "Start a Game," he or she will be brought to the Gamemodes menu.

The default gamemodes are Custom, Freebuild, MotE Mansion, Pirate DM, Rampage, SpeedKart, Two Ship DM, and the Tutorial.

Custom gamemode allows you to use any addons you have downlaoded and installed in your game.

Freebuild only uses default addons and you can build freely, like the name suggests.

MotE Mansion spawns you in a castle and you must find all the treasure chests hidden inside it as quickly as possible.

Speedkart is a racing gamemode.

Two Ship DM and Pirate DM are both deathmatch gamemodes, where you have to kill everyone and get as many points as possible.

Rampage Gamemode is where you go through a series of builds and try to destroy them all under the time limit.

The Tutorial, like the name suggests, teaches you the basics of the games.

There are community gamemodes out there, such as Renderman, where you have to hide from an AI that can appear anywhere and anytime, that coders have made and are available to download.

Starting the Server[]

Starting a server is easy, as no port forwarding is required at all. As soon as you complete all the steps, you just hit "START SERVER" and your server will launch.

You can join a Multiplayer server by hitting "Join a Game," click a server, then click "Join." You will then see a loading screen and download all the files nececary for gameplay. Downloading Textures, Sounds, and Music is optional.