Unofficial Blockland Wiki
Unofficial Blockland Wiki

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The Blockland Forums (abbreviated as BLF) was created by Blockland's owner Eric Hartman, or most commonly referred to as Badspot, for Blockland discussion and more.


The logo for Blockland Forums.

Blockland Forums[]

This is a section for anything that is related to Blockland talk and Blockland development. It has a reasonably small population, so everyone knows everyone! The most people online ever was 1,608. This was achieved in November 2013.

Blockland is simply a game first created 2004, and has been purchased around 140,000 times. The game used to cost $20 but the price was reduced to $10 around the time of its release on Steam. Blockland is regularly on sale.


This is a section where any custom content created for Blockland gets added, mostly add-ons for Blockland, such as faces or weapons.

Blockland Modification Forums[]

This is a section for Blockland modification talk only, where people can discuss of recieve help about coding. There are several threads outlining how to get started with creating add-ons in TorqueScript.

Blockland Archive[]

A section of previous boards from Blockland's past that is no longer relevant, but is added to every now and then to show the developer's progress on a game he's made.


This is where an advertisement gets displayed for guests, un-registered accounts, and accounts that changed layout settings after the ad update to the forums. However there is an option for registered users to turn this on if they wish to help the developer with ad revenue. The ads appear under a post, the user being 'Ad Bot', he has a humourous avatar from a spoof video called 'If Blockland Was Greenlighted'


Off Topic[]

This is a section for anything that is not related to Blockland. However, forum games, such as Word Association, go in the Community Projects section.

Age of Time Forums[]

A section for a game called Age of Time. This section is completely ignored by the community. It is still here as the developer of the game created Age of Time to test the Torque Engine, the engine which would soon be used to make Blockland.